Thursday, December 4, 2014

Relativistic Velocity, Mass, and Wormholes

                Relativistic Velocity, Mass, and Wormholes
                                                           Edward M. Renner
          According to the Theory of Relativity, when a particle or a spaceship approaches the speed of light (c) it experiences an exponential slowdown of time and a contraction along its’ direction of travel. At (almost) the speed of light, internal clock time slows toward zero and the direction of travel distance would also shrink toward zero; plus it would require an infinite amount of energy to actually achieve c. At c an observer (in the speeding object) would not experience any passage of time, and distances in the universe would appear to be zero; thus they would essentially travel to the end of space-time at the instant c was achieved. The object would have the same velocity constraint as a photon, except it would have an astronomical increase in inertial “mass“,… in fact, an infinite amount of inertial/momentum mass! As this is not possible in the space-time framework of our universe, there must be some upper limit to both mass and inertial/momentum mass.  The following is a modification of a Lorentz transformation for velocity vs relativistic momentum; in it, I set a (hypothetical) limit to relativistic momentum/mass (PW):
                                                                    Relativistic Mass/Momentum/Energy
Figure 1 - Velocity and Relativistic Momentum Limits Each graph point is a factor 10 increase in kinetic energy/momentum mass; which increases until the space-time curvature limit and production of a blackhole or worm-hole: PW = 2Gm/(v/c)² = Rc² /2G

         This is where I believe the Theory of Relativity in regards to relative velocity at c possibly breaks down and may not provide a true picture of reality. One problem is with paradoxes that occur at and beyond c (superluminal speeds). However, paradoxes can be seen as just limitations of the descriptive paradigms and not reflections of reality; as reality is what it is independent of the paradigm’s ability to account for or describe it. So does the Theory of Relativity stop working at superluminal velocities, just as Newtonian physics stops working at near relativistic velocities?… perhaps. Another problem is that well before any object of mass could achieve the speed of light, it would come up against the time-space curvature limit for high density masses, i.e., the creation of a black hole IAW the Schwarzschild radius equation:  
                                                               rs = 2Gm/c2
         However, since mass increase is due to the linear velocity approaching c (directional), it would essentially be a vector quantity. Thus time-space curvature should also be a vector quantity in the direction of travel and create a worm-hole rather than a black hole. As the speed of light was more closely approached, distance in the direction of travel would continue to foreshorten/contract rather than the object itself.  The closer to c the object’s velocity was, the greater the contraction of space. Although c would still be any physical object’s velocity limit, distance per unit time (to an outside observer) would have the appearance of being faster than light speed. By attempting to accelerate mass beyond it's relativistic constraint, it should worm holed its way thru space until the excess energy/ relativistic mass was shed as radiative energy in the worm hole (like Cherenkov radiation).
                                                             Ñrs = 2Gmb2/c2

 FIGURE 2 - Modified Lorentz Diagram - Momentum/mass increases as a function of velocity (r ) but encounters a limit (Ω) where a worm hole should be created. R (rs)= Schwarzschild radius, γ = Lorentz factor, b = v/c, mΩ = m/4/3 p R3= mass density limit, G=Gravitational constant, M/r = relativistic mass/momentum = mv ( moving mass), mo = rest mass, v = velocity, c = speed of light.


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