Monday, December 15, 2014

Ideas for Inertial Drives

Inertial Drive Device Using FHM to Convert Variable
                      Angular Momentum into Linear Momentum

Edward M. Renner
         The purpose of this device is to produce differential/off-set angular momentum thru rotary motion and centrifugal force. The centrifugal force is far greater during one-half of the rotation cycle than the other, thus producing a net linear directional force. Even though the masses describe a symmetrical closed loop during rotation, the magnitude of the centrifugal force over time differs significantly during the rotation cycle.

Device Description:
- The device consists of two main platters in a stacked system.

- Each platter is attached to a heavy fixed drive shaft that is attached to the top plate and bottom mounting plate by heavy roller bearings.

- Attached off-set on the main platters are two to four drive gear sub-platters with off-set masses, which makes each of them eccentrically balanced.

- The geared sub-platters are driven by a fixed gear that is mounted to the mounting plate by a flange that allows the drive shaft to pass through it to the mounting plate bearing.

- All gears are the same size and have the same number of teeth so that each sub-platter gear makes one rotation per revolution of the main platter.

- The eccentric weights are configured as in Fig. 4 to produce the desired effects.

- The bottom end of the drive shaft is attached to a conical mitre gear that is one of a set of four (can be expanded to six for two additional right angle sub-platter systems (two plane system).

- The conical mitre gears comprise a differential that produces counter-rotation in the two main platters.

- Two more conical mitre gears can be added for two additional right angle mounted sub-platter systems.

- One or both of the side conical gears are driven by a variable speed motor(s), but if additional sub-platter systems are added, the motors would drive the main drive axle.

- A more advanced device can have the off-set weights in the geared sub-platters able to move via solenoids from the hubs to the rims of the sub-platters, thus producing variable eccentricity in the platter-gears while in motion. In this configuration the device can be brought up to speed in a fully balanced condition, then gradually (and variably) have the eccentric flywheel condition engaged at varying levels of eccentricity (see Fig.4.b).

- It would also be interesting to see if substituting Neodium-Iron Boron magnets for the masses in this device could produce enhanced propulsion effects; i.e., produce rotating magnetic fields, which could  interact with static electromagnetic coils.
      Dual counter-rotating platter system with four sub-platters/gears that have an eccentric center-of-gravity and complete one rotation per revolution of the main platters. The following figure is of one platter from a stacked platter configuration:
                            Single Platter Top View                 Single Platter Bottom View
Fig.1: Top and Bottom of Main Drive Platter -
Drive axle passes through center of main platter drive gear (see Fig.2) which is attached to lower plate. One to four (or more) sub-platters/gears can be used in this system configuration.

Fig. 2: Platter Drive System on Mounting Plate. All gears are the same size and have same number of teeth to insure one rotation of sub-platter gear per revolution of main platter. Fixed gear is mounted to the mounting plate, while moving gears are attached to main platter.
                                                   Stacked System                   Mitre Differential Gearing
Fig. 3: Side View of Stacked Platter System System is driven by a motor connected to differential mitre linkage gears. Both platters are counter-rotating as are sub-platters/gears. This system can be expanded to include two or more platter subsystems at right angles to each other (3 planes: pitch, roll, yaw)

a.                                              b.
Fig. 4: Sub-Platter/Gear cg Positions / Momentum per Rotation of Main Platter - åmv1 = å mv2, but åma1 >> å ma2. Momentum is proportional to the masses distance from drive axle (Iw ~ r²) . 4a. - immovable /fixed cgs on sub-platters. 4b. - cgs move to center of sub-platters during ¾ of cycle, extend to rim of sub-platter during remainder of cycle. This would enhance the off-set momentum for 1/4 of the cycle while reducing momentum during 3/4 of the cycle. The shape of the mass-position track of this device exactly resembles the track of Tesla’s “Flying Stove” device.



Magnetohydrodynamically Driven Liquid and
Plasma Inertial Drives
                                                                Edward M. Renner
                                                                      Oct. 2010

        Directional inertial drives can be created by forcing conductive liquids (i.e., mercury, magnetic/ metal slurries, ferrofluids, super-fluids) or plasmas to counter-rotate in ovoid tube raceways that are both geometrically shaped and off differing diameter to create differential momentum via the Venturi Principle and varied angular momentum.   Propelling the liquid or plasma in such a device can be done by magneto-hydrodynamics, so that the only moving parts are the conductive liquid or plasma. Total momentum is conserved within such a system, but directionality is not; i.e., action momentum is more-or-less linear and central while reaction momentum is distributed as a series of radial vectors. Multiple paired tube arms are used in such devices. Such a device has a great advantage over a rigid mechanical system (designed for the same purpose) in that angular momentum and gyroscopic action are continuous and flexible (though varying) in such devices, plus there are little or no moving parts to impart friction or mechanically fail (no friction if a super-fluid is used).

         The following schematic is of a gyroscopic/hydrodynamic device that uses a high velocity circulating conductive fluid to produce net linear directional momentum from cyclic changes in the angular momentum of the fluid. It consists of four (or other even number of) joined closed-loop ovoid /egg-shaped tubes that vary in diameter to produce different fluid velocities. A magneto-hydrodynamic coil drive is used to accelerate the fluid in the centrally conjoined tubes which narrow in diameter along the length of the mag-drive section. The accelerated fluid in each arm is then forced around a tight curve (that is still narrow in diameter) to impart maximum angular momentum to it. The fluid then decelerates as it enters the wider and more gradually curved portion of the tube ovoid and imparts reaction angular momentum radially around the larger curve loop. The fluid is then accelerated in the mag-drive section again, completing one cycle. Tubule bundles can be added to both the acceleration and deceleration sections of the ovoid to impart and maintain a laminar flow in the fluid (see Fig.2).  Bernoulli foils can also be added to the narrow curve section of the tube to further enhance angular momentum at that location.


FIGURE 1: Fluid or Plasma Inertial Drive - Note that the geometry of this device resembles a relatively symmetrical magnetic field. Fluid flow is continuous even though velocity varies. 

FIGURE 2 - Two Arms of a Multi-Ovoid Device. High velocity and momentum occurs at the tops of the tubes due to mag-drive acceleration and a narrower tube; it then drops to lower velocity at the larger loop ends. Tubule bundles are positioned in the acceleration and deceleration parts of the tube to create laminar flow. Counter rotation of the fluid in paired tubes negates precessional forces in their rotation plane.

        Devices that use plasma instead of conductive liquids can also be driven by high gauss Lorenz Force, similar to that used in a Tokamak or particle accelerator . Such devices can exploit the full benefits/effects of the Critical Action Time (CAT) as mag-driven plasmas can be accelerated to high relative velocities in ultra-high energy/flux fields. The net desired effect of such devices is to create a higher dynamic linear effective mass at one end of the device and a lower effective mass at the other end [Critical Action Time µ Angular Momentum differential], thus creating a hypothetical directional field effect.

        The last schematic is of a device that is a geometrically shaped/distorted torus that circulates the conductive fluid or plasma at right angles to the torus (created by rotating Figs.1 or 2 thru 360°). This device is / can be completely surrounded by the magneto hydrodynamic propulsion coils. Such a device would have both properties of electro-magnetic force effects and inertial mass/ momentum.


FIGURE 3. - Mag-Drive Torus Showing Distorted Magnetic Field loops

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Relativistic Velocity, Mass, and Wormholes

                Relativistic Velocity, Mass, and Wormholes
                                                           Edward M. Renner
          According to the Theory of Relativity, when a particle or a spaceship approaches the speed of light (c) it experiences an exponential slowdown of time and a contraction along its’ direction of travel. At (almost) the speed of light, internal clock time slows toward zero and the direction of travel distance would also shrink toward zero; plus it would require an infinite amount of energy to actually achieve c. At c an observer (in the speeding object) would not experience any passage of time, and distances in the universe would appear to be zero; thus they would essentially travel to the end of space-time at the instant c was achieved. The object would have the same velocity constraint as a photon, except it would have an astronomical increase in inertial “mass“,… in fact, an infinite amount of inertial/momentum mass! As this is not possible in the space-time framework of our universe, there must be some upper limit to both mass and inertial/momentum mass.  The following is a modification of a Lorentz transformation for velocity vs relativistic momentum; in it, I set a (hypothetical) limit to relativistic momentum/mass (PW):
                                                                    Relativistic Mass/Momentum/Energy
Figure 1 - Velocity and Relativistic Momentum Limits Each graph point is a factor 10 increase in kinetic energy/momentum mass; which increases until the space-time curvature limit and production of a blackhole or worm-hole: PW = 2Gm/(v/c)² = Rc² /2G

         This is where I believe the Theory of Relativity in regards to relative velocity at c possibly breaks down and may not provide a true picture of reality. One problem is with paradoxes that occur at and beyond c (superluminal speeds). However, paradoxes can be seen as just limitations of the descriptive paradigms and not reflections of reality; as reality is what it is independent of the paradigm’s ability to account for or describe it. So does the Theory of Relativity stop working at superluminal velocities, just as Newtonian physics stops working at near relativistic velocities?… perhaps. Another problem is that well before any object of mass could achieve the speed of light, it would come up against the time-space curvature limit for high density masses, i.e., the creation of a black hole IAW the Schwarzschild radius equation:  
                                                               rs = 2Gm/c2
         However, since mass increase is due to the linear velocity approaching c (directional), it would essentially be a vector quantity. Thus time-space curvature should also be a vector quantity in the direction of travel and create a worm-hole rather than a black hole. As the speed of light was more closely approached, distance in the direction of travel would continue to foreshorten/contract rather than the object itself.  The closer to c the object’s velocity was, the greater the contraction of space. Although c would still be any physical object’s velocity limit, distance per unit time (to an outside observer) would have the appearance of being faster than light speed. By attempting to accelerate mass beyond it's relativistic constraint, it should worm holed its way thru space until the excess energy/ relativistic mass was shed as radiative energy in the worm hole (like Cherenkov radiation).
                                                             Ñrs = 2Gmb2/c2

 FIGURE 2 - Modified Lorentz Diagram - Momentum/mass increases as a function of velocity (r ) but encounters a limit (Ω) where a worm hole should be created. R (rs)= Schwarzschild radius, γ = Lorentz factor, b = v/c, mΩ = m/4/3 p R3= mass density limit, G=Gravitational constant, M/r = relativistic mass/momentum = mv ( moving mass), mo = rest mass, v = velocity, c = speed of light.